The New NY Bridge

I got to thinking about bridges…both real and metaphorical…when I got a call from Andy O’Rourke. He’s the son of the former County Executive, who by the way, believed the arts were an important asset to Westchester. Given that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, I was not overly surprised to get a call from Andy II who works for Governor Cuomo on the New NY Bridge. That’s the Tappan Zee for the uninitiated. Andy II is putting together an art show on both sides of the river and he’s asking artists to submit their views of the old bridge and the new bridge.
Seeing as the bridge will belong to Westchester and Rockland counties, it’s a brilliant stroke of connectivity for artists from both sides of the river to weigh in on this Hudson River icon. We are thrilled to be partnering with Rockland Center for the Arts, Rivertown Artist Workshop and Nyack Art Collective on this initiative. To participate, find the submission form and guidelines at
Photo: Tappan Zee Bridge silhouette by Joseph Squillante
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