They Too Have Dreams

At ten years of age, Grace Ring of Yorktown Heights, (daughter of Ann and Dave) recovering from a brain tumor, discovered that reading books distracted her from her problems. She started a program called Recovery, which collects and redistributes books to children in need.

Eleventh graders Amanda Grant and Brian Gomez found the skills and strength to steer youth offenders to White Plains Youth Court and community service as an alternative to Criminal Court. LaShanae Amaker is working hard to help young women in her High School veer away from domestic violence toward non-violent resolutions.

Derbie Pierre-Louis, a cosmetology student, helps girls with issues of self-esteem giving free beauty and makeup sessions to those in need. Awa Nyambi of Hartsdale is heading to Harvard with the social justice skills he honed at Woodlands High School as president of the National Honor Society and president of the youth division of his local NAACP. Eighth grader and karate instructor Karina Roberts-Morris, leads by example as a mentor and tutor at Peekskill High School.

These youngsters were all honored last week by the African American Men of Westchester for following in the footsteps of Dr. King. Listening, it gave me hope for this troubled world. As Queen Latifah is fond of saying every morning on CBS-TV, “That’s what I’m talking about.”

Photo: Janet Langsam and Grace RingĀ 


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