Painting on a Larger Canvas

Many years ago I gave up painting. I became an administrator…a manager…a person whose livelihood was more consistent for a mother of three. I comforted myself with the notion that I would be helping other artists. I even went so far as to delude myself with the fiction that I would be painting on a larger canvas. But that wasn’t really happening…that is until now. It wasn’t happening because there is little money out there for the arts and less even for artists. That leaves artists striving to tell their stories and plant their ideas, some of which might change the world or at the very least make a difference…without the support necessary to do so. ArtsWestchester’s 50th anniversary gave me and my colleagues, board and staff the opportunity to paint the larger canvas by giving out 50 grants to 50 artists in all disciplines, who we honored at today’s Arts Award Luncheon. Mary Smart, Lucille Werlinick, Jacqueline Walker, Emily Grant and Ellen Liman contributed to this effort because they believe as I do that artists are important to Westchester. They help make our communities the creative places we treasure. Do you agree? Please let us know how artists enrich your communities.
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