Every Little Bit Counts with Numbers
For some time now we have been trying to increase the funding available for small emerging arts groups through New York State Council for the Arts (NYSCA)’s Decentralization (DEC) program (known in Westchester as Arts Alive) – not just in Westchester but throughout the state. And in fact, working with ArtsNYS, a statewide coalition, we were successful in getting a 20% increase to the DEC program statewide in 2016.
This year, in Westchester, our grant funding for DEC increased from $55,440 to $63,000 for 2018. It’s not a huge deal – only $8,000 – but at least we are moving in the right direction–up. Looking both backwards and in context, we happily got a slight bump up in 2016 which brought us from $46,200 to $55,440.
Both artists and organizations are eligible for this program. Help with proposals is available. Click here to find out where and when. This program is funded by NYSCA and we a grateful to them for the increase. Finally, it should be noted that these funds are fought for by our Westchester State Legislative Delegation, so give them a shout out.
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