Dear Martha

I am writing to thank you for opening my eyes to vistas unknown to me prior to visiting your glorious gardens in Bedford. NEVER. BEFORE have I seen so many luscious peonies. I happen to be semi-literate on the subject of peonies and yours were in the vernacular “to die for.” I know you make everything from “scratch,” both in the kitchen and in the garden. I wondered whether you have some secret peonie formula you would be willing to share with ArtsWestchester. In exchange, I would be willing to offer you several cuttings of my prized Scarlett color peonies, which I got from Maren Hexter, a former board president who, btw, loved the tour of your garden (as well as the punch and lemon zesty cookies). If the Scarlett peonies are not to your taste for some reason, I believe I have enough berry-red wool hats and gloves to outfit your entire staff for the winter. These are tastefully decorated, in frost white, with our elegant ArtsW logo. Alternately, if the staff winter bonnets are already on order, please accept two tickets to our very prestigious (for Westchester, that is) gala on Saturday, November 18th at the Ritz Carlton in White Plains, to which you may bring a guest of your choice. May I suggest, with no impertinence intended, that we would be thrilled if you were to bring with you Laura Blau, who arranged our visit to Cantitoe.
Janet Langsam and the “Friends of ArtsWestchester” group recently attended a private tour through the gardens on Martha Stewart’s local Cantitoe Corners estate. Members of this “Friends” group receive exclusive access to cultural experiences throughout the year. Martha Stewart wrote about the tour on her blog, here.
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