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Historic houses reflect lives well lived

Although I am a great admirer of Edward Hopper’s work, I had never been to his birthplace, a historic house located in Nyack. However, with a Facebook nudge from artist Andrea Kantrowitz, I headed across the bridge to Rockland on a recent Sunday to see “Edward Hopper Reimagined” a group exhibition commemorating the 40th anniversary […]

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Pelham Art Centers says farewell to Lisa Robb

Yesterday was Lisa Robb Day in Pelham.  I know this because I heard it proclaimed last night at a farewell party for Lisa who has left the Pelham Art Center after 11 years as the Director. The Pelham Art Center is a family affair. Our hosts, Paul Francis, former treasurer of the board (last century) […]

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Tribute: Remembering Roy Neuberger

Robert Neuberger

Grand Arts Patron, Roy Neuberger was an extraordinary man. Janet Langsam, CEO of ArtsWestchester reflects on the life and legacy of this man.

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Tribute: Arts Supporter Frank Ronnenberg of Reader’s Digest

Frank Ronnenberg with Janet

A reflection on how Frank Ronnenberg of Reader’s Digest, was a great part of The Arts team.

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Tribute: Robert Goodnough – Charmed by Dinosaurs

Artist Robert Goodnough with Janet Langsam

Janet Langsam, CEO of ArtsWestchester, writes a tribute to the late Robert Goodnough, a Westchester Artist whom the New York Times noted, “never received the recognition commensurate with his talent.”

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