The Art of Working Remotely

Many people think that employees who work remotely are happier, healthier and more productive. Others remain unimpressed by such claims. I for one had never given any thought to the matter until most recently when I took a nasty fall at my daughter’s wedding. There I was radiant at the nuptials and one minute later I didn’t have a leg to stand on, so to speak.

So for the past few weeks, armed with iPhones, iPad, computer, deck chair, patio umbrella, a walker, heating pads and pain killers, I have become a dilettante at the art of working remotely. And, I must say, it’s not all bad. Personally, I wouldn’t recommend it as a steady diet, but a trial period – say a few weeks in the fall as the leaves are turning gorgeous autumnal colors – could be transformational. Since coming to Westchester from Boston more than twenty years ago, this has been my first foray into working remotely while watching the bees taste the last nectar of summer.

Given my suspicious nature, I am thinking that this whole episode in my life has been a devious trick on the part of Mother Nature to grab my attention and hold it there while she rearranges the landscape, like the real artist she is. With that in mind, I would suggest September and October as good months to be an online worker bee.

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