An Artist Plans Her Own Legacy

Bravo to artist  Mary Lincoln Blondell, who didn’t leave the disposition of her artwork to chance. She left money in her estate to take care of her artwork after her death. She was a sculptor who was as bold in her art as she was in her determination that her work live on after her demise. According to her will,  the artwork was to be gifted to museums and art centers like ArtsWestchester, where five of her works are now on display. This gift prompted  me to question: “What happens to an artist’s work when  he or she passes away?”

Well, it depends. Usually, it is left to relatives to decide, and that can mean some pieces will be kept and cherished while others may find their way to a tag sale. What a good idea it would be if artists planned the final resting places for their art. Something to think about, for sure.

Mary Lincoln Blondell’s donated works are currently on display in a space on ArtsWestchester’s 5th floor. To view, please call ahead (914-428-4220) and speak with Logan or Alex to book an appointment.